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The Edtech Files: Episode 3 - Using iMovie on the iPad

Telling stories using video is something I love to teach. Over the last few weeks I've been working with Kindergarten students to teach them different camera shots. I was unsure how well such young children would cope with using iPads to shoot different types of shot, but in the true nature of experimenting, I went ahead and it was so much fun! I created a screen shot presentation of all the different camera shot from the Trailer of iMovie and talked through these shots. The students then took the iPads outside in groups of three and started to shoot a trailer. The trailer part of iMovie really allows for students to visually see the type of shot they need, so this proved to be a success. Some groups completed all the shots others didn't. So we then watched the trailers in the classroom and gave feedback on each! It was fascinating hearing such young children talking about close up shot, group shot etc.

I wanted to take this further with my grade 2 class. I presented the same presentation to them, but this time I wanted them to create their own movie in iMovie. So the first step was for them to understand the different types of shot. I showed all the shots on the board and the each student took there iPad and had to record the following:

"This is a (shot type here)"

They had to use each other in the classroom to record their shots. Seven shots were needed in total. In lesson two the students then used iMovie to add these shots together into one movie. The needed use titles to add what type of shot it was and use transitions between shots.

Finally they then needed to save their movie to their camera role and upload it to their Blog. They could then view each others video from their blogs and feedback on each of the videos.

The intention now is to integrate this knowledge and these skills to create a video in their next classroom project.

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