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Digital Integration

​Classroom Digital Integration is where AtTech Edu support the teaching and learning in the classroom by planning, coaching and then team teaching on projects with the students. Digital integration is about using technology as a tool. AtTech Edu use the SAMR model to define the way technology is used across the curriculum. AtTech Edu firmly believe that if a pen and paper works best then use a pen and paper. 


This works inline with Instructional Technology Coaching, but goes one step further and works with the students in a team teaching capacity with the classroom teacher. This enables the classroom teacher to understand the digital element while using their own expertise. A Classroom Digital Integration would have a three step workflow, Planning, Team Teaching, Delivery Practice.



Any digital integration in the classroom needs to be planned. AtTech Edu will sit and work with teachers to support them on how technology could be integrated into the current or future learning.

Team Teaching

AtTech Edu will only assume the technology expertise in the classroom. This may be teaching a new skill or just be there with the students to support problems with technology that arise. 

Delivery Practice

AtTech Edu will support the delivery of future lessons that focus on the technology skills used in the Team Teaching sessions. This will ensure that the teacher is confident to continue integrating these skills effectively in their in the future.

Primary Learning

  • Research Projects - Using Word Processing and Presentation tools to build a finished multimedia presentation.

  • Mapping Projects - Using online mapping tools to collaborate and create online maps of famous explorers. Embedding movies within the maps and using an interactive whiteboard to show parents at an exhibition.

  • Multi-location assemblies - Using video conferencing technologies to run assemblies in different locations throughout the school.

  • Desktop publishing - Discovering and using editing skills to produce magazine covers from scratch.

  • Feedback and reflection - Adding learning to Blogs for a record of learning. Being able to feedback on others and reflect with self and peer assessment.

  • Gaming - Designing and creating computer games that can be played by others within the school.

  • Animation - Telling stories with animation. From writing to storyboarding to performance. Students learn a full range of skills to produce a animated film that can be shared with the world.

  • Spreadsheets - Linking spreadsheets to mathematical concepts such as percentages. Using spreadsheets to create art.

  • Responsible Digital Citizenship - Being able to understand the importance of being responsible online.

Examples of Effective

Classroom Digital Integration

Secondary Learning

  • The 10 Essential Skills all students must have - From word processing to spreadsheet design to trouble shooting computer issues.

  • App Design - From prototyping to creating a functioning App. Applying app design to cross curricula links.

  • Movie making - The process of making a quality movie. How can this link with story telling in English and historical events. 

  • Live TV broadcasting - Documenting big school events with a team by recording and broadcasting to the world with multi-cam live editing.

  • Coding - creating coding projects that can be applied to real life problems.

  • Multi-media presentations - Building an effective presentation with green screen as a result of research on given subjects.

  • Online interactive books - Creating purposeful online books.

  • Learning videos - Explain your learning to others with screencasts or video tutorials.

  • Websites - Create and build a website that can act as your online exercise book or portfolio of work

  • Timelines - Create interactive timelines that can tell you learning story.

  • White YouTube Icon
  • White LinkedIn Icon

© Copyright 2017 by AtTech Edu Limited

March, Cambridgeshire, UK

Registered Company with Companies House - 10735007

Created by Richard Poth with

Twitter : @richtheteach | Email:

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